The renovations & additions required extensive external masonry & verandah structure restoration & including the reproduction & replacement of windows, doors, shutters & skirtings.

Barador Stud
42 Weeks
Project Features:
The renovations & additions required extensive external masonry & verandah structure restoration & including the reproduction & replacement
of windows, doors, shutters & skirtings. Close cooperation with the client resolved all of the unidentified construction variations common to restoration projects.
Historically Martindale is one of the most significant properties in the Hunter region, having been owned and developed by the eminent Bettington family of the early colony and then in the mid 19th century, passing into the hands of the Hunter’s best known family, the Whites, where it remained for almost a century. Aesthetically it is representative of type but it is more recently significant for the attention to the sympathetic incorporation of major additions.
Bettington built the original stone cottage in 1840. Edward White acquired the property in 1865 and built his two-storey addition on the south-west. A large
sandstone wing of two storeys was added c.1900 replacing the eastern wing of the original single storey cottage. In 1986 substantial renovations by New
England Constructions included a two storey sandstone addition.”