Internal alterations to Heritage listed Courthouses including Fire Safety services upgrade works

Armidale & Inverell
Attorney Generals
9 weeks
$ 681,000
Project features:
Internal alterations to Heritage listed Courthouses including Fire Safety services upgrade works
Successful project outcome:
- Alterations successfully carried out whilst courthouse functions continued to operate
- Successful integration of highly detailed joinery and other traditional building elements with fabric of existing Heritage buildings
Completed concurrently with Inverell Court House, internal adaptive re-use alterations were completed for the Asset Management Branch of the NSW Attorney General’s and Justice Department. As the buildings are of historic significance, new joinery and masonry elements were required to match the existing traditional elements. The essential fire and emergency services of the existing building were upgraded to comply with current code standards.
The building programme was required not to interfere with the continued operation of Court sittings. This constraint also required that during construction, noise and construction activity should not interfere with the daily functions of the Courts and Court administration activities. By keeping all Court personnel informed of our daily and weekly programme, New England Constructions successfully completed the project without disruption to the Court process and within the nine-week contract period.
These works had a number of stakeholders across two sites and also had a significant design change mid-way through the works. The contractor was very cooperative in working through these changes.